Accounting for California Podcast

The Accounting for California Podcast series is produced by the California Board of Accountancy, spotlighting individuals and issues important to the profession in California. Each episode will feature a guest speaking in depth about a particular topic, from the CBA’s licensing or renewal processes to new legislation or regulations affecting you and your business.
Episode XI - Get To Know CBA President Yen C. Tu (February 2025)
2025 CBA President Tu discusses the Board's priorities for the year, what motivates her to do the large amount of volunteer work she does, and her love of travel.
Episode X - The CBA Legislative Proposals (November 2024)
CBA Executive Officer Dominic Franzella and CalCPA President & CEO Denise LeDuc Froemming sit down to discuss in depth the legislative proposals approved by the CBA aimed at enhancing CPA licensure requirements and modernizing mobility within California, and how they fit in with the Exposure Drafts released by NASBA & AICPA. This episode is also available on video.
Episode IX – What Can a CPA With Attest Authority Do That CPAs Without Can’t? (March 2024)
Have you ever noticed the A or G that comes up under Experience Completed when you are doing a License Lookup on the CBA website? What exactly do those indicators mean? It refers to having gained the experience, or authority, to sign reports on attest engagements. This episode explains the differences in accounting services able to be provided by those with or without “attest authority."After listening, be sure to check out the CBA’s Attest Authority page, which features a helpful chart outlining the financial services available based on a potential CPA’s experience completed, as discussed in the episode.

Episode VIII – Get to Know CBA President Joseph Rosenbaum, CPA (January 2024)
Get to know 2024 CBA President Rosenbaum and how he ended up choosing forensic accounting as his career, the perfect blend of accounting and litigation. He also shares his priorities for the CBA in 2024, and advice for young people considering accounting as a career.
Episode VII – CPA Evolution with CBA Examination Unit Manager Eulalio Ortega (October 2023)
With CPA Evolution comes major changes to the CPA Exam in January 2024. Learn specifically how the current version of the exam will transition to the new 2024 version, what will be tested in the new version, and how your credits earned in 2023 from the current exam will translate to the new version.
Episode VI – with CBA President Katrina L. Salazar, CPA (January 2023)
Hear from newly elected President Salazar as she begins her second term as CBA President on her priorities for 2023, why it’s important to her to represent California at the national level as she does, why an increased focus on diversity is key to the future of the accounting profession, and why you should volunteer to serve on the CBA or one of its advisory committees.
Episode V – with CBA Special Projects Manager Suzanne Gracia and CBA License Renewal and Continuing Competency Manager Sarah Benedict (September 2022)
Learn all about CBA Connect, the CBA’s new online license renewal system. How to create an account is covered, along with all the features and new methods of communication intended make your next renewal a more pleasant experience.
Episode IV – with CBA Enforcement Chief Dominic Franzella (July 2022)
What is the role of the CBA’s Enforcement Division, and what are the most common reasons licensees may be referred to enforcement? Get to know more about this group that’s looking out for California consumers, and how you can help them maintain the integrity of the CPA license.
Episode III – with CBA Examination Unit Manager Denise Murata (March 2022)
Learn about the changes benefitting CPA Exam candidates brought about by Assembly Bill 298 (Irwin), new legislation which took effect January 1. The new law potentially shortens the amount of time it will take for candidates to obtain their CPA license.
Episode II – with CBA License Renewal and Continuing Competency Unit Manager Sarah Benedict (January 2022)
Go in depth with the ins and outs of license renewal, from CE requirements to Peer Review. Whether you recently obtained your CPA, or you’ve been licensed for years, there’s sure to be something in this episode you didn’t know before.
Episode I – with CBA President Michael M. Savoy, CPA (December 2021)
Get to know President Savoy as he begins his unprecedented third term as CBA President. Listen to learn about his priorities for the CBA in 2022, why he thinks accounting is an ideal profession for the future, and what he likes to do when he’s not in the office.